Below are the questions posed to each participant featured in The Land of Milk and Honey. If you are an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants and would like to respond to the survey, please feel free to do so using this link.
What is an American?
What are the values of your country of origin?
What does the American Dream mean to you?
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
Who dies in the United States of America?
Are you free in the United States of America?
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Are you patriotic towards your country of origin?
Why did you emigrate from your country of origin? Or, if you were born in the US, why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
Questions directly informed and inspired by We Question the Fourth, an Imaginary School project.