The Bernals
This is the Bernal family. They are from Mexico. They live in Laredo, TX. According to the American Community Survey there are approx. 37,147,000 U.S. residents that report Mexican descent. In Laredo, 86.9% of the population is of Mexican descent. Laredo, TX sits right on the US/Mexico border with a sister city in Mexico called Nuevo Laredo where Jesus Bernal met his now wife, Mary Bernal, nearly 50 years ago.
Photography by Ada Navarro
Set Design by Orly Anan
Set Design by Orly Anan
Styling by Alexander-Julian
Victoria Camarillo, 18
What is an American?
What comes to mind when I think of being an American is being fortunate enough to have the opportunity to grow as an individual. Our family has grown up in a country where we have the freedom, security, and education to see our future generations succeed. The Mexican culture that I once knew taught me to grow and see the values and opportunities that we have at our disposal, but also to work for them.
What are Mexican values?
I was taught to succeed in life once I entered the doors of education. Working hard and maintaining good grades raises your level of achievement and puts you on the right track in life. My family taught me to set high standards for myself and to work hard to achieve my dreams. This was never a concern for Mexicans, but now that the first generation born in the United States has seen this level of success, they want their children to live a better life.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American dream, as defined by me, is to do well for myself and to do well in life in order to take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. To demonstrate to future generations of my family that we are capable of accomplishing anything if we have the right mindset.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
To my parents, the American dream is having stability, providing the best for their family, seeing their children mature and grow up living a good life, and saving for retirement so that they do not rely on the government.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
In my opinion, individuals who are willing to commit and work hard to advance in life are those who can thrive in the United States.
Who dies in the United States of America?
Those who die in the United States are those who have secured and made a living for themselves, and who are willing to continue in there family's footsteps.
Are you free in the United States of America?
Yes, I feel free in the United States of America, I feel liberated. This country has given my family and me the freedom to do whatever we want and live the lives we desire.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Yes, I believe I am. I take pride in and respect the pledge of allegiance flag. A place that I love and where I first called home because of all the privileges that I enjoy that are not available in other parts of the world; it is a significant benefit.
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Yes, I believe I am. I take pride in and respect the pledge of allegiance flag. A place that I love and where I first called home because of all the privileges that I enjoy that are not available in other parts of the world; it is a significant benefit.
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
My grandfather came from a low-income family in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. He was raised in a household with a single mother, in order to obtain a roof over their head, they had to sell homemade tortillas asking around the neighborhood, making their funds out of this business. In their eyes there was no time for embarrassment in this situation. Not only that, but his mother had also recommended housing chores for a little bit more help to manage and maintain their finances. He had no clue where his siblings were or who they were. But his whole life, he provided for his family the best possible way he could. Until one day he met my grandmother and decided to get married at an early age. They made a decision of coming to Laredo, Tx to provide a better life for their family to be. As arriving, he immediately went towards the selling business area and had his six daughters showing them and providing them with the right morals in life or each of life lessons. As each of his daughters got older, he brought them to the business later, evolving into a restaurant, which is known as the El Meson Of San Agustin. Which all began in humble beginnings with the love my grandparents had for each other and is shown and poured out in this restaurant. This served a lesson for me that even though we go through hardships in life that is what makes us who we are today. Even helping us to encourage in changing the pattern to something even better. This man grew to be an independent, loyal, wise, and loving individual showing me that even in the darkest moments, there is a light in the end. If he can do it, so will I!
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
My favorite thing about the United States is that we have the freedom to change our way of life and help ourselves succeed. Ultimately, it is the land of opportunity!
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
Politics is my least favorite aspect of the United States because most people abuse power, which is one of the reasons why the rest of the world is tearing apart.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
For every citizen to receive financial assistance.
What comes to mind when I think of being an American is being fortunate enough to have the opportunity to grow as an individual. Our family has grown up in a country where we have the freedom, security, and education to see our future generations succeed. The Mexican culture that I once knew taught me to grow and see the values and opportunities that we have at our disposal, but also to work for them.
What are Mexican values?
I was taught to succeed in life once I entered the doors of education. Working hard and maintaining good grades raises your level of achievement and puts you on the right track in life. My family taught me to set high standards for myself and to work hard to achieve my dreams. This was never a concern for Mexicans, but now that the first generation born in the United States has seen this level of success, they want their children to live a better life.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American dream, as defined by me, is to do well for myself and to do well in life in order to take advantage of the opportunities that come my way. To demonstrate to future generations of my family that we are capable of accomplishing anything if we have the right mindset.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
To my parents, the American dream is having stability, providing the best for their family, seeing their children mature and grow up living a good life, and saving for retirement so that they do not rely on the government.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
In my opinion, individuals who are willing to commit and work hard to advance in life are those who can thrive in the United States.
Who dies in the United States of America?
Those who die in the United States are those who have secured and made a living for themselves, and who are willing to continue in there family's footsteps.
Are you free in the United States of America?
Yes, I feel free in the United States of America, I feel liberated. This country has given my family and me the freedom to do whatever we want and live the lives we desire.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Yes, I believe I am. I take pride in and respect the pledge of allegiance flag. A place that I love and where I first called home because of all the privileges that I enjoy that are not available in other parts of the world; it is a significant benefit.
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Yes, I believe I am. I take pride in and respect the pledge of allegiance flag. A place that I love and where I first called home because of all the privileges that I enjoy that are not available in other parts of the world; it is a significant benefit.
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
My grandfather came from a low-income family in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. He was raised in a household with a single mother, in order to obtain a roof over their head, they had to sell homemade tortillas asking around the neighborhood, making their funds out of this business. In their eyes there was no time for embarrassment in this situation. Not only that, but his mother had also recommended housing chores for a little bit more help to manage and maintain their finances. He had no clue where his siblings were or who they were. But his whole life, he provided for his family the best possible way he could. Until one day he met my grandmother and decided to get married at an early age. They made a decision of coming to Laredo, Tx to provide a better life for their family to be. As arriving, he immediately went towards the selling business area and had his six daughters showing them and providing them with the right morals in life or each of life lessons. As each of his daughters got older, he brought them to the business later, evolving into a restaurant, which is known as the El Meson Of San Agustin. Which all began in humble beginnings with the love my grandparents had for each other and is shown and poured out in this restaurant. This served a lesson for me that even though we go through hardships in life that is what makes us who we are today. Even helping us to encourage in changing the pattern to something even better. This man grew to be an independent, loyal, wise, and loving individual showing me that even in the darkest moments, there is a light in the end. If he can do it, so will I!
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
My favorite thing about the United States is that we have the freedom to change our way of life and help ourselves succeed. Ultimately, it is the land of opportunity!
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
Politics is my least favorite aspect of the United States because most people abuse power, which is one of the reasons why the rest of the world is tearing apart.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
For every citizen to receive financial assistance.

Jesus Bernal, 68
¿Qué significa ser americano?
Pues, un honor, un gusto, like you say in English, "I am very proud to be citizen of this beautiful country." Sorry, I'm Mexican. I can express sometimes in English, like Tex-Mex.
¿Cuáles son los valores de tu país de origen?
It's a lot. Son muchos. Tenemos muchos valores. Amor a la familia, amor a la tierra, amor a crecer, a ser alguien, ser alguien importante. Mejorar la vida de nosotros y de las de nuestras familias que vienen detrás.
¿Qué significa el sueño americano para ti?
El sueño americano para mí es este, eso, lograr crecer, lograr hacer algo y ser alguien y ver que nuestras familias también sean mejores personas, mejores—Que tengan mejor calidad de vida. La calidad de vida es una de las cosas que venimos persiguiendo al venir acá. Que tengamos una mejor vida. En todos los aspectos.
¿Qué significaba el sueño americano para tus padres?
Ellos no lo vivieron. Yo llegué solo. Ellos no tengo idea este, qué pudieron haber pensado acerca de esto, pero supongo que igual que yo porque-- Por as-es una historia muy larga. Pero sí supongo que ellos también les hubiera gustado. Soy de una familia del centro de México, de Zacatecas. Vienen ellos eh, viajando, avanzando hacia el norte y yo nazco en Nuevo Laredo, que es al cruzar la frontera, ah, cross the border. Eh, ah, we're Sister Cities, Laredo, Texas. Nuevo Laredo. I born in Nuevo Laredo. Ah, en el caso de mi familia. Yo supongo que ellos venían buscando el norte. El norte era— Es la tierra de la oportunidad para todos, porque pues allá no había—O no hay mucho. Esa es la historia contada rápido.
¿Quién prospera en los Estados Unidos?
Todo mundo. Todos, el que quiera trabajar. El que no espere que le den. Nos hace mucho daño que nos den, el gobierno que dé. Lo dado no se valora, lo que se gana, lo que se trabaja, lo que cuesta, eso, ah, para nosotros eso es prosperar, eso es mejorar. El que trabaja y quiere, lo puede lograr.
¿Quién muere en los Estados Unidos?
Igual, todo mundo. Espero que, todos somos casos diferentes. Cada uno tenía que-que platicarse en qué forma, cuál-- La pregunta es muy, muy amplia para platicarlo. Todos nos vamos a morir, ¿de qué manera? Depende en qué—Cómo andemos, qué hacemos, de qué manera llegamos, de qué manera andamos, de qué manera vivimos.
Eso, más que nada. Este, si nos portamos bien vamos a ser viejitos y nos vamos a morir tarde.
¿Eres libre en los Estados Unidos?
Totalmente, sí.
¿Eres patriota hacia los Estados Unidos?
Claro. Cómo no. Soy—Aunque no fui a ninguna guerra, pero sí me enlisté cuando cumplí los 18 años, porque estaba seguro que quería ir, pero no me llamaron.
¿Eres patriota hacia Mexico?
Por supuesto que sí. Y muy orgulloso, también. Los dos los llevas en el corazón, como en el caso de nosotros, o mío, en el corazón caben las dos banderas. I have plenty of room in my heart, to all both.
¿Por qué emigraste de tu país de origen?
Fue una elección de trabajo, de así se me dio la oportunidad.
¿Qué es lo más te gusta de Estados Unidos?
Ay, me gusta todo, me gusta cómo vivo, cómo vivimos, cómo hemos crecido, y de que, además, estamos en una posición de que podemos ayudar a otros, podemos viajar, podemos tener libertad, eso.
¿Qué es lo que menos te gusta de Estados Unidos?
El racismo. Ah, yes, and some politics. I can tell the name, Trump. No, people like that don't understand what, eh, means human beings, don't respect, no feelings, but no, I don't understand what happen with that kind of people.
¿Qué te gustaría ver ocurrir en los Estados Unidos?
Que haya paz, que haya paz, que no haya drogas, que no haya racismo, no solo en Estados Unidos, en todo el mundo, que haya paz, eso me gustaría. Tenemos todo, tenemos todo para vivir felices, para vivir en paz, para crecer, para triunfar, pero si no hay paz, si no hay tranquilidad, no se puede disfrutar todo lo hermoso que tenemos.
Pues, un honor, un gusto, like you say in English, "I am very proud to be citizen of this beautiful country." Sorry, I'm Mexican. I can express sometimes in English, like Tex-Mex.
¿Cuáles son los valores de tu país de origen?
It's a lot. Son muchos. Tenemos muchos valores. Amor a la familia, amor a la tierra, amor a crecer, a ser alguien, ser alguien importante. Mejorar la vida de nosotros y de las de nuestras familias que vienen detrás.
¿Qué significa el sueño americano para ti?
El sueño americano para mí es este, eso, lograr crecer, lograr hacer algo y ser alguien y ver que nuestras familias también sean mejores personas, mejores—Que tengan mejor calidad de vida. La calidad de vida es una de las cosas que venimos persiguiendo al venir acá. Que tengamos una mejor vida. En todos los aspectos.
¿Qué significaba el sueño americano para tus padres?
Ellos no lo vivieron. Yo llegué solo. Ellos no tengo idea este, qué pudieron haber pensado acerca de esto, pero supongo que igual que yo porque-- Por as-es una historia muy larga. Pero sí supongo que ellos también les hubiera gustado. Soy de una familia del centro de México, de Zacatecas. Vienen ellos eh, viajando, avanzando hacia el norte y yo nazco en Nuevo Laredo, que es al cruzar la frontera, ah, cross the border. Eh, ah, we're Sister Cities, Laredo, Texas. Nuevo Laredo. I born in Nuevo Laredo. Ah, en el caso de mi familia. Yo supongo que ellos venían buscando el norte. El norte era— Es la tierra de la oportunidad para todos, porque pues allá no había—O no hay mucho. Esa es la historia contada rápido.
¿Quién prospera en los Estados Unidos?
Todo mundo. Todos, el que quiera trabajar. El que no espere que le den. Nos hace mucho daño que nos den, el gobierno que dé. Lo dado no se valora, lo que se gana, lo que se trabaja, lo que cuesta, eso, ah, para nosotros eso es prosperar, eso es mejorar. El que trabaja y quiere, lo puede lograr.
¿Quién muere en los Estados Unidos?
Igual, todo mundo. Espero que, todos somos casos diferentes. Cada uno tenía que-que platicarse en qué forma, cuál-- La pregunta es muy, muy amplia para platicarlo. Todos nos vamos a morir, ¿de qué manera? Depende en qué—Cómo andemos, qué hacemos, de qué manera llegamos, de qué manera andamos, de qué manera vivimos.
Eso, más que nada. Este, si nos portamos bien vamos a ser viejitos y nos vamos a morir tarde.
¿Eres libre en los Estados Unidos?
Totalmente, sí.
¿Eres patriota hacia los Estados Unidos?
Claro. Cómo no. Soy—Aunque no fui a ninguna guerra, pero sí me enlisté cuando cumplí los 18 años, porque estaba seguro que quería ir, pero no me llamaron.
¿Eres patriota hacia Mexico?
Por supuesto que sí. Y muy orgulloso, también. Los dos los llevas en el corazón, como en el caso de nosotros, o mío, en el corazón caben las dos banderas. I have plenty of room in my heart, to all both.
¿Por qué emigraste de tu país de origen?
Fue una elección de trabajo, de así se me dio la oportunidad.
¿Qué es lo más te gusta de Estados Unidos?
Ay, me gusta todo, me gusta cómo vivo, cómo vivimos, cómo hemos crecido, y de que, además, estamos en una posición de que podemos ayudar a otros, podemos viajar, podemos tener libertad, eso.
¿Qué es lo que menos te gusta de Estados Unidos?
El racismo. Ah, yes, and some politics. I can tell the name, Trump. No, people like that don't understand what, eh, means human beings, don't respect, no feelings, but no, I don't understand what happen with that kind of people.
¿Qué te gustaría ver ocurrir en los Estados Unidos?
Que haya paz, que haya paz, que no haya drogas, que no haya racismo, no solo en Estados Unidos, en todo el mundo, que haya paz, eso me gustaría. Tenemos todo, tenemos todo para vivir felices, para vivir en paz, para crecer, para triunfar, pero si no hay paz, si no hay tranquilidad, no se puede disfrutar todo lo hermoso que tenemos.

Sandra Bernal, 41
What is an American?
An American is somebody that lives in the continent of The Americas.
What are Mexican values?
Hard work, love of family and food.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
Having our business succeed so our children can have the freedom to pursuit any career they love.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
Financial freedom.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
Those who learn and the ways to work smarter not harder.
Who dies in the United States of America?
The people who can’t afford decent healthcare services.
Are you free in the United States of America?
Yes but like everything it is not perfect.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Yes but I don’t always agree with the system.
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Yes but never lived there.
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
My parents emigrated to the U.S. for the American Dream.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
I love the diversity.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
The politics.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
Health care for all and better schools.
An American is somebody that lives in the continent of The Americas.
What are Mexican values?
Hard work, love of family and food.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
Having our business succeed so our children can have the freedom to pursuit any career they love.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
Financial freedom.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
Those who learn and the ways to work smarter not harder.
Who dies in the United States of America?
The people who can’t afford decent healthcare services.
Are you free in the United States of America?
Yes but like everything it is not perfect.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Yes but I don’t always agree with the system.
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Yes but never lived there.
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
My parents emigrated to the U.S. for the American Dream.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
I love the diversity.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
The politics.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
Health care for all and better schools.
Sophia Garcia, 16
What is an American?
An American is someone who fights for what they believe in.
What are Mexican values?
Family is everything.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American Dream is making something of yourself when people doubted you.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
To make a better life for their children.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
Anyone who puts their mind to it.
Who dies in the United States of America?
The people born.
Are you free in the United States of America?
To a certain extent.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
They wanted a better life for themselves and their family.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
Being able to have my family here.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
For people’s negative attitude towards immigration [to change].
An American is someone who fights for what they believe in.
What are Mexican values?
Family is everything.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American Dream is making something of yourself when people doubted you.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
To make a better life for their children.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
Anyone who puts their mind to it.
Who dies in the United States of America?
The people born.
Are you free in the United States of America?
To a certain extent.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?

Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Why did your parents emigrate from their country of origin?
They wanted a better life for themselves and their family.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
Being able to have my family here.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
For people’s negative attitude towards immigration [to change].
Leann Bernal, 21
What is an American?
I see Americans as people who were born in the United States of America, even though technically, anyone born in the region of north or South America can be American. The reason being is because we’re conditioned into thinking that Americans only come from one place. The United States of America, any other region identifies differently.
What are Mexican values?
The value hard work and determination. “Ponte las pillas” as they would say. Which is another way of saying get to it.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American dream to me means setting up a foundation of success for the families following mine. Creating milestones and breaking Generational curses and traumas.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
It meant finding stability and financial freedom. While giving their children the best opportunities for success.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
The white man.
Who dies in the United States of America?
People of color.
Are you free in the United States of America?
In a sense we are free to dream and work. But laws prohibit us to be truly free. Example, reproductive rights.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Why did your grandparents emigrate from their country of origin?
My grandparents emigrated to the US because they were kids themselves and wanted a better life.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
Sense of community with other minorities.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
The system set up to build white people up.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
I would like to see human rights upheld by its government.
I see Americans as people who were born in the United States of America, even though technically, anyone born in the region of north or South America can be American. The reason being is because we’re conditioned into thinking that Americans only come from one place. The United States of America, any other region identifies differently.
What are Mexican values?
The value hard work and determination. “Ponte las pillas” as they would say. Which is another way of saying get to it.
What does the American Dream mean to you?
The American dream to me means setting up a foundation of success for the families following mine. Creating milestones and breaking Generational curses and traumas.
What did the American Dream mean to your parents?
It meant finding stability and financial freedom. While giving their children the best opportunities for success.
Who is able to thrive in the United States of America?
The white man.
Who dies in the United States of America?
People of color.
Are you free in the United States of America?
In a sense we are free to dream and work. But laws prohibit us to be truly free. Example, reproductive rights.
Are you patriotic towards the United States of America?
Are you patriotic towards Mexico?
Why did your grandparents emigrate from their country of origin?
My grandparents emigrated to the US because they were kids themselves and wanted a better life.
What is your favorite thing about the United States of America?
Sense of community with other minorities.
What is your least favorite thing about the United States of America?
The system set up to build white people up.
What would you like to see happen in the United States of America?
I would like to see human rights upheld by its government.

Bernal Family clothing by Carla Fernandez, Tanamachi, and The Pack.